Book Review – Identifying Security Logics in the EU Policy Discourse- The “Migration Crisis” and the EU

Photo: Asterisk Kwon | Unsplash  Guest Author: Sheikh Asma Naser  I am Sheikh Asma Naser from Bangladesh, currently a master’s student of Peace and Conflict Studies at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. My background studies in World Religions and Culture and my present studies shaped my interest to analyse topics related to migration crisis and securitisation of refugees, since I eventually realised that one of the most vulnerable communities that suffer from wars and conflicts in different regions of the world are the internally displaced people and the refugees. I […]

Walking the Way of European Integration: Prospects for Galician Youth

Photo: Arturo Rey | Unsplash Guest Authors: Aldan Creo, Lucía Traygo, Paulo López Muñoz, Bruno Antonio Ortiz López, Miguel García-Miguel Diz, Luis Miguel Bouzo Álvarez, Saray Rodríguez Pérez, Víctor Davila and Julio Quintela Casal.  In an increasingly individualised world, it’s easy to feel that your reality has nothing to do with anyone else’s. That’s something we know ourselves very well. For example, Lucía is working towards a Bachelor’s degree in Philology, while Bruno and Saray have chosen to study Law. Miguel, Luis and Víctor are all Master’s students in different […]

Wie wirksam sind die Vereinten Nationen? Eine Analyse am Beispiel des Haftbefehls des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gegen Wladimir Putin und der UN-Konvention gegen Gewaltsames Verschwindenlassen

Photo: the blowup | Unsplash Guest Author: Clara Paulina Hoffmeister  Clara Paulina Hoffmeister recently completed her undergraduate studies in Political Science at the University of Munich. She studied law as a minor, specialising in international law. She is currently preparing for her M.A. in Political Science.   Einleitung Am 21. Oktober 2022 legte das Internationale Komitee des Roten Kreuz (ICRC) der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen einen Bericht vor, wonach zu diesem Zeitpunkt mehr als 180,000 Menschen weltweit beim ICRC als vermisst gemeldet waren. Seit 2017 sind die registrierten Fälle um […]

Towards More Effective Global Environmental Governance – Exploring tools to scale up climate action and foster global environmental sustainability

Photo: Kyle Glenn | Unsplash Guest Author: Costanza Galetto Costanza Galetto is a Master’s student in European Affairs at the Sciences Po, Paris. Enrolled in the “Europe in the World ” policy stream, she explores various topics related to European and International Affairs. She is particularly interested in subjects related to crises and crisis management by governments in the EU, such as the role of politics in narrating and constructing crises. She holds a deep interest in environmental sustainability and climate policies. In the past, she worked on topics related […]

From Streets to Policies: The Impact of Yellow Vests Movement on French Public Policy

Photo: ev | Unsplash Guest Author: Adil Yildiz Adil Yildiz is a Ph.D. student in political science at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, in the United States. Previously, he completed his master’s degree in European and Global Studies at the University of Padova in Italy. His research interests are diverse, but include political institutions, social movements, human rights violations and abuses, and international affairs.   The success and efficacy of social movements in influencing policy changes typically originates from their reliance on garnering support from other political and social entities. […]

How do you get your research published as a student, Morten Harmening?

© Morten Harmening

Photo: Morten Harmening  As the final instalment of our little interview series about student publishing, we spoke to Morten Harmening, M.A. about his work as Editor-in-Chief of a student journal and his recent book, together with Dr. Philipp Köker, in which they synthesise their years of experience in the field into a comprehensive guide for every student and teacher interested in or wanting to promote student research.   YJEA: Tell us a bit about your experience with student publishing? What’s your background? Harmening: During the first semesters of my undergraduate […]

“Cartography is never neutral”: an analysis of the agreement between Frontex and the Polytechnic University of Turin

Photo: Ruthie | Unsplash Guest Author: Amal Sadki Amal Sadki is pursuing a Master’s in Peace and Conflict Studies at the Otto-von-Guericke Universität of Magdeburg, after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies. Her main areas of interest are migration, border securitisation, arms exports, and postcolonial theory. She loves to write and dreams of a future in Peace and Conflict research.   On 14 July 2021, the Polytechnic University of Turin, one of the most prominent higher education institutions in Italy, announced through its magazine Poliflash […]

A Critical View on the Treatment of Pushback Allegations by Greek Authorities and the Detention of Asylum Seekers

Photo: Mika Baumeister | Unsplash Guest Author: Ann-Kathrin Grunwald Ann-Kathrin Grunwald studies Law at the University of Bonn with a special interest in European law, international human rights law, and Asylum law.    Introduction According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “the right to seek and enjoy asylum does not depend on the mode of arrival to a country. People who wish to apply for asylum should be allowed to do so and they should be made aware of their rights and provided legal assistance”.[1] However, looking at […]

Barely addressed but highly important: Migration Camps

Photo: Salah Darwish | Unsplash Guest Author: Paulina Matt Paulina Matt studies International Relations at the Central European University with a focus on International Political Economy, Development and Refugee Policy.   The new EU Pact on Migration and Asylum offers an ambitious framework for dealing with high immigration numbers. However, it does not dedicate one single sentence to the poor conditions in migration camps. The influx of migrants is a major challenge for the European Union (EU)[i]. In 2020, more than 80 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide[ii], with over […]

Is the European Court of Human Rights going too far in expanding the scope of certain rights under the Convention?

Photo: WilliamCho | Pixabay Guest author: Margarida Luciano Martins   Introduction In this short paper I intend, to the best of my legal and research abilities, to analyse the issue of the expansion of the scope of some European Convention on Human Rights (henceforth mentioned as ECHR or the Convention) rights by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR, the Court or the Strasbourg Court), and evaluate whether the Court is overstepping its competences in its evolutive and dynamic approach on human rights protection or if its action is legitimate, […]